I'm doing Shanghai, Beijing and Tokyo, so without further ado let's go!
(click on all pics to get a larger pop-up)
Here's two clips, first one some jams from Beijing with MOEN. Second one from the Leqtique clinic in Tokyo
Tuesday, October 10 - Wednesday Oct 11

Made it through the check-in, and uploaded a fancy-pancy pic of my self with my most "let's go to Asia-look". Of course sporting both a UFC hoodie and my (very) worn leather jacket.

Once airborne I couldn't sleep (as I seldom can on planes, or buses for that matter. I'd make a lousy touring musician, that's for sure!).
But the view was excellent! I really should look into getting some noise canceling headphones for these trips.

Then an hour long taxi ride to the hotel took me past everything from skyscrapers to what seemed like hundred year old buildings.

This view from a staircase at the hotel gives you an idea on what a hot-pot of old and rundown vs. modern high-tech Shanghai really is!

My Chinese endorser Steve Chen is setting up shop at the Music Messe, so I'm kicking back at the hotel until dinner. Not a single english speaking channel to be found, but at least found some live rock (or something I think supposed to be rock) concert =) Time for dinner later, and after that on to the show area to do a late night sound check, I'll be back with more updates later this evening.

The expo place is probably twice as big as Frankfurt Messe or NAMM, which is saying something, during the day they have shuttle buses connecting the different expo halls.

MOEN's booth was still under construction, but the main decor was finished, with yours truly pasted across one wall. I'll some demos in this booth as well, but the main performances will be outside, on the bigger stages. First performance at 10:15 tomorrow, so time to get some shut-eye!
Thursday October 11

First opening day of the Expo started out with great weather. I however, overslept and missed breakfast. To top that off it seems darn near impossible to get a regular black coffee in Shanghai :O
Here we are outside the Expo area with One Control's owner Tomokaz

And me and Steve as well

The lobby was filling up nicely, the whole area is probably twice as big as Frankfurt Messe, in other words, it's HUGE!

The MOEN booth was busy, with Steve's staff setting things up

The idea is also to actually ship them in these sweet wooden boxes too, kinda cool idea I think =)

I'm using the pedals straight into the Kemper amp, using a profile I made of a Bassman from -64, sounded sweet, and a perfect way to get control of the levels going out into FOH

Also, it turns out the lead singer and good friend in his former band in Brazil, is now the singer in Hate Ammo in my hometown in Sweden, small world!
Also, don't be surprised to see a jam with us two coming up, Steve was eager to see it happen =)

Apparently it's an art gallery of some sort

Most Swedes really like Chinese food, and there's at least one Chinese restaurant in almost every city in Sweden I would guess. However, I bet THIS is not on any of their menus =)

And yeah, there was plenty of deep fried food in the menu

All of them tasted great, but not a single one had ANY resemblance to what we call Chinese food in Sweden. I'm guessing it's like Swedish pizza, has absolutely nothing in common with Italian pizza expect the shape of it =)

Over and out for the first day of Music China!
Friday October 12

I must have taken a dozen or so pics with various onlookers every day, and no, this is not the face I pull most of the time ;)

Apparently very popular in southern China (which was also evident from the way it went down with the Chinese attendants)

ps. still no bandwidth, nor time to edit the huuuge amount of video material shot and both my shows and others.ds
Saturday October 13

The area is so huge, so there's at least 30 min walking every single day, regardless from which direction we enter.

That's all or today folks, tomorrow is the last day of the expo,
time for a final live performance, must get some rest before then =)
Sunday October 14

At one of the outside venues there was a Chinese entertainment TV-company there shooting, and asked Steve if I would be interested in being invited to China to perform on TV. Pretty cool, but he will investigate further to see what kind of show they're doing =)
In this pic we see on of Steve's employees assembling his new Pedal Bridge board, just had new red sides delivered from powder coating. Looks really nice!

here you also see that the top bar of the pedal bridge is replaced with some modules. In this you have power, a built in speaker and line-check module, as well as global in/outs.

I've tried many octave pedals, since I'm really interested in finding a good one for using with a looper to lay down simple bass lines for soloing over at clinics and workshops. This was by FAR the best I have ever heard! Tracks perfectly, no aliasing what so ever, and it even does chords all over the range of the fret board PERFECTLY!
Contacted Shun right away, we need to find one of these to use at the Tokyo clinic for sure. And, a bass playing friend of mine in Sweden would kill for this one, he's still struggling with the old Boss Octaver, which is all over the place :/

I do a lot of cover gigs in Sweden, and every time I play a Bon Jovi song I wish I had a real talk box. This is by far the best Talk Box I have ever head in a pedal (no hose) format! This is also going on my X-mas list :D

The crema wasn't all that good, and it was a little watery (I think they didn't temper it enough), but it was still the best coffee I had so far =)

That was the end of the Shanghai Music expo 2013.
Tomorrow we leave for Beijing, see you there!
Monday October 15

One reflection I made whilst here in China is that the "copy" market doesn't just extend to things such as guitars and iPhones, but is (at least I think) more geared towards the domestic market, and we just happen to see this stuff as well.
Like this car for instance, why buy a BMW, when you can get a BYD that looks about the same for a fraction of the cost =)

The hotel corridor gave me some serious "shining" vibes though, can anyone say "REDRUM" ? ;)

Next to the dinner place we chose was this small place that sold cakes and bread.
This particular picture is solely for my beloved fiancée, who loves to bake :)

I finally got to try real Chinese dumplings, Sheldon Cooper's favorite.
I can see why, most tasty dish I have yet to try in China. Now if only I could find these (as tasty, not store-bought) back home in Umeå!!
Time for bed, tomorrow Steve will take me to see BOTH the Forbidden City and the Great Wall, I can't wait!!
Tuesday October 16

Plenty of other coaches around, and tons of tourists (mostly Chinese).
You can see a small part of the wall in the background here.

Note: The picture taken "vertical" can't be super-sized I'm afraid :(

And by this time my legs were burning!

This is really THE perfect time to visit the Wall. The autumn colors really makes everything come alive!

(click to enlarge)

I'll leave this part with a pic of the exit out of the Forbidden city, we weren't exactly alone :)

To conclude this day we visited the No.1 Jazz café in Beijing where tomorrow's clinic/show/jam will be held. Had one of the greatest red wines I have ever had there, from the Great Wall winery (how fitting!), custom made for the Jazz Café.
Tomorrow's event will be killer. Some of China's most guitarists and bass players will be there, and hopefully jam to! renowned
Tonight we discussed the plan for tomorrow's event. We want to make it a "laid back" environment, inviting players to join me for a jam onstage.
If the invited musicians just want to catch up with their fellow players they rarely get to meet, they are free to do so upstairs in the lounge, and if they want to get down
and dirty with me or each other on stage, it's free to do so too.
has the potential to be a REALLY cool night tomorrow!!
Ps. ANY place that has a picture and real autograph of Bruce Lee on the wall, AND serves a MEAN espresso
gets a A+ in my book! .ds ;)
Wednesday October 17

The weather was really nice, and so thought the neighborhood cat that was basking in the sun outside the hotell =)

Apparently it was first built in a square shape in the 15th century, and the rebuilt in to this round shape after a fire ravaged it

Talk about agile for their age!

My green Parallax is the center piece on the top shelf,
and is it ever eye-catching =)

At the end of the evening we went to a realyl nice restaurant and a huge farewell/celebration dinner for MOEN fx. Unfortunately though,
I don't have the pics from this as of yet, I'll update this post later on =)
Thursday October 18

Eaaarly Thursday morning I got up at the airport hotel to get to the airport for my flight to Tokyo. Good thing I did go there that early though, as the hotel shuttle dropped me off at the wrong terminal, and it took the better part of one hour to get to the correct one.

It was raining quite heavily off and on, which is a common thing for Tokyo this time of the year.

(a wonder of modern technology, where even the shower speaks with you).

Fantastic instrument, but boy do I get lost amongst those additional strings :D

That's all for tonight, tomorrow will be a full day of Tokyo sightseeing with Kohei, looking forward to it and hope for good weather!
Friday October 19

Non of these are available in Sweden (or Europe), so I will definitely take the chance to try some out on Monday before I leave.

Apparently this cat is called "GiGi" in Japan

It'll be aired on Monday in Sweden, P4 Västerbotten.
Check it out (it'll be in the archive as well).

The time was probably 3AM before we were home!
Saturday October 20

Shun's house is really beautiful, but so big it's hr to make it any justice on camera, so you'll have to make do with this nice entrance :D

He is also an excellent translator, and has been my side-kick on every single clinic I've ever done in Japan

So, I decided to give him the RiptApparel Gojira shirt I had.
This site releases one print every day/all year, and its only available for 24 hours. So it's pretty safe to assume, that even in Tokyo, he'll be pretty alone with this one!

This was one VERY long dinner, we were back home after 6Am!!
So time to sleep!, Tomorrow I will have a private lesson with one of Shun's friends, we will try to use the Kemper to profile Kohei's excellent Two-Rock, and Shun's mother will take us out to Shabu Shabu at one of Tokyos finest restaurants! Can't wait!
Sunday October 21

For the rest of the evening it's packing and movie on the schedule =)
Monday October 22

Cocobolo fingerboard for the win!

would probably take an overdrive really well! Unfortunately all mine were in the suitcase.

This will be my last post for this (very long) blog. Tonight I arrive in China, and tomorrow is just travel day(s), so see you in a future blog post from somewhere else in the world =)