Time to kick things off with the day of departing from Sweden. Early morning, getting up at 4:30AM. I'm usually veeeery affected by jetlag, so this year I decided to try what British Airways recommended, not sleeping at all on the flight over.
Hopefully that will help some! Leaving cold Umeå behind.

At the Arlanda airport in Stockholm, at the gate for the US flight, I met an old school mate from waaay back in the 90's, Daniel. Or "the little drummer nor" as he was known back then =)
He was on his way to the big hunting & gun show in Las Vegas. I told him to look up Charlton Heston ;)

On the plane I was pleased to see that I had lucked out in terms of seating =)
Plenty of leg room here!! Now, time to watch UFC RIO on the laptop!!
The flight was gruesome indeed, with a 3 hour waiting in Chicago as well. I think total travel time ended up being 25 hours from my home to LAX.

Met up with my endorser Shun of Leqtique effects and his friend at LAX, and we took the Disneyland Express to our hotel in anaheim, the Peacock Suite. Very "Disney" looking hotel indeed! (that's shun on the right).

The hotel room was nice and large, dual TV's and a lounge area.
By this time I was preeeetty tired to say the leastBut, we decided to go out and have a bite to eat and celebrate our save arrival in LaLa Land :)

We ended up at The Cheesecake Factory, Big Bang Theory style =)
Got the Bacon Burger, and MAN was that portion ever "American Sized" :D

And finally, this picture goes out to my finance Mona, as tribute to our common love for The Big Band Theory, AND her love of baking =) I must say, they REALLY live up to their name, this was one INSANE Cheese Cake!
With that, it's off to bed! TOmorrow we go out shopping for an amp to use at the show, and tomorrow I promise to shoot some vids as well!!
Over and out!