This last day at the show began with some random band performing at the stage in Hall E

Tom dropped by again, this time he got to try Shun guitar with the symmetrical tuning. It's quite the testament to his musicality that he actually nailed that sucker within minutes!

Fellow brit and Suhr artist Jack Gardiner was also subjected to the tuning from hell, and let it rip as well!
This guy just improves in leaps and bounds! Scary!
This day also entailed jams with Tom, Jack and myself, so stay tuned for the video.

Fellow Swede, T-rex artist and a monster guitar player Tommy Denander, which has 3000+ albums to his credits stopped by, was floored, and dropped out with an order for the MOEN switcher

Ama gets a massage!

Paul Gilbert acting the Sharp Dressed Man on a meet and greet

james Trussart guitars, cool stuff

How's that for a hollow body huh?

Don't know this guys story, didn't ask... NAMM mascot maybe?
He's still more decently clad than most of the booth girls at the show, which is saying something!

SKB had a new "i-Case" with life-time warranty, rock solid durability, air travel approved (with the customs lock), and water proof. It was solid!

They even had a special PRS-version, I see one of these in my future for sure!

The whole gang from Leqtique, MOEN and One Control gathered one last time at the booth after packing up. See you next year guys!

After closing up shop, me Shun and Ama drove back up to L.A, this time for a double serving of Holdsworth at Baked Potato!

And of course, no evening at the Baked Potato is complete without a serving of their Baked Potato! Our choice was Marinated Beef.

Me and old Maestro!
Unfortunately the guy that took the picture had his finger too close to the flash :/
And with that crowning achievement, we close the book on day 7 of the NAMM trip. Tomorrow is travel day, but stay tuned for all the multitude of vids to come!