The day after we were all very tired, myself I hadn't slept at all, part due to packing and blog updates, and part to make myself tired enough to sleep on the plane (always have a problem with that) to minimize jet-lag when coming back to Sweden.

We began the morning by returning the rental. The rain was pouring down in intervals. After the car deal was set, we had a farewell breakfast with me, Shun, Ama, Steve & Terry.

Then I was supposed to take the shuttle out to LAX. Unfortunately it turned out you needed to reserve such a trip a day in advance, whilst there were no such need when actually arriving. This we were all uninformed about, so I ended up having to take a cab to the airport :(
The flight to Chicago was uneventful, and I dozed off a couple of times, still trying to stay awake.
At Chicago O'Hare airport, they had this behemoth towering over you. Of course I know dinosaurs were huge and all, but actually seeing one to scale was quite amazing!

I really lucked out for the long flight between US and Europe though! Got 4 seats all to myself, so I slept like a log for almost the entire flight!

Eventually got back to my cold hometown of Umeå, Sweden. Time for more sleeeeep!

Final post, day after arrival. Coffee will be a necessity the coming days for sure!
WIth that I close the NAMM blog for 2012, but remember to check back towards the end of this week, as I will update with the videos from the last days of the show, and believe me, it's worth waiting for, some amazing jams took place!
New blogs will come from Frankfurt Messe in March and Moscow in May, stay tuned!
Over, out and good morning!